Find Frosty Rules
Find Frosty Details:
Game Dates: Nov 30th – Dec 14th
Drawing Dec 14 Downtown Aztec at the Tree Lighting in Minium Park behind Safeway
Who Can Play: Everyone! Adults, Teens and kids
How to play: Stop by the Fantastic Aztec businesses listed.
- Look around, shop and Find Frosty!
- Have your Frosty Card stamped (initial, marked etc) by someone at the business. (Businesses will have a Find Frosty Card available inside).
- Get at least 10 stamps on your card. One stamp per business.
- Drop your cards off at the “North Pole” at The Leanor on the day of Aztec Sparkles, Dec 14th by no later than 5 pm.
How to Participate as a Business:
- Put the Find Frosty Poster up in your window.
- Print out Find Frosty Forms – have some ready at your counter. Form link on AztecChamber.Com
- Display or hide Frosty: some type of “Frosty or snowman”, so participants can see it. It can be a stuffed animal, a picture or perhaps a book with him on the front, etc.
Once Frosty is found; sign or stamp the form next to your business.
- Each participating business will need to donate an item to the “prize basket”.
- Participants may leave a qualifying form at your business, however all forms must be received at the North Pole (The Leanor) on or by 5 pm December 14th. CHamber representatives will stop by to pick up any cards left at your business.
- One stamp/ signature per business per card.
- One Frosty per business